THUG LOVE (Decades: A Journey of African-American Romance 1990s) Zuri Day
THUG LOVE (Decades: A Journey of African-American Romance 1990s) Zuri Day ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The awesome Zuri Day gives the reader a sweet ride through the 90’s by penning an enjoyable story of two people who are definitely from the opposite side of the proverbial tracks. Traci Johnson and Marcus Moore get caught up in that ‘thug love life”. Traci is a BAP (Black African Princess) and Marcus is a LAPD policeman from South Central. It just goes to show you that you can’t help where you are from. In spite of Traci thinking Marcus is a thug when she first meets him, she is very much attracted to him. Since this story is partially historical, Zuri Day does a great job in inserting moments of the Hip Hop Era history of the 90’s. The late great Tupac Shakur takes center stage along with other notable 90’s personalities like Bill and Hilary Clinton, Shug Knight, and Lauren Hill and the Fugees. Since this is a story of opposites attract. The heroine has a “Come to Jesus” moment when she realizes the power of love. Watch out for her Mama; she’s a pistol! Do you remember what the means that Tupac had on his chest? Read the story. You’ll definitely understand why I mentioned it. I recommend THUG LOVE! Enjoy!