Writers Got Talent Literary Contest!
A search for creative stories in romance and women’s fiction featuring people of color.
Open for Entries: May 1, 2017
Deadline to Enter: June 23, 2017
Fee: $10 non-refundable (unless the contest is canceled). Maximum of 20 entries each in unpublished and published categories for a total of 40.
Eligibility: All entries must be the author’s original work and must not be contracted for publication before the entry deadline. This contest is open to published authors, and unpublished authors who have never been published in book or novella-length. “Published,” for purposes of this contest, includes traditionally published as well as self-published works
Entry: The first three chapters, not to exceed 30 pages, and a synopsis (unjudged), not to exceed two pages. The manuscript will be disqualified if it exceeds the page count. All submissions must be digital.
Entries must be formatted as follows:
Double-spaced with one-inch margins
Utilize Times New Roman or Book Antiqua 12pt
Formatted as .doc or .docx
Be a minimum of Novellas must be 20,000-39,999 words and have series potential, (Please note that final round submissions require a completed manuscript.)
Upper left header with title of the manuscript, genre (women’s fiction or one of the following romance genres: contemporary romance, historical romance, new adult, romantic suspense, romantic comedy), heat level (for romance, the choices are sweet, sensual, erotic, and erotica; for women’s fiction, the choices are sweet and sensual) Example: My Manuscript Title
Contemporary Romance/sensual
Page numbers should be placed in the upper right corner.
The author’s name should NOT appear anywhere on the entry (only on the submission form).
How to submit:
Please submit payment first Payment link (add to cart in yellow)
2 Then fill out.Entry Form link
3.Then submit the first three chapters, and the synopsis. to brabcontest@gmail.com
Your submission is not complete until both steps are done.
First Round Judging: Each entry in the unpublished author category will receive a score sheet with brief comments from three qualified judges (Published Authors).
First Round Judging – To be completed by July 21, 2017
Unpublished Author Final Round Judging: The three entries with the highest scores in the unpublished author category will be chosen as finalists and required to submit a completed manuscript. Manuscripts must be submitted by August 4, 2017.
Published Author Final Round Judging: The two entries with the highest scores in the published author category will be chosen as finalists and required to submit a completed manuscript. Manuscripts must be submitted by August 4, 2017.
Final Round Judging – To be completed by Sep 22, 2017
The 1st place winners in the unpublished and published author categories will each receive a $250 advance and a publishing contract from Garden Avenue Press.
The 2nd place winners in the unpublished and published author categories will each receive a critique of their submission from a published author.
The 3rd place winner in the unpublished category will receive a critique of their synopsis from a published author.
All finalists will receive a certificate indicating 1st, 2nd or 3rd place.
Winners will be announced at the Building Relationships Around Books (BRAB) Reading Warriors Retreat during the awards ceremony.
Questions? Send them to Brabcontest@gmail.com.
NOTE: Garden Avenue Press will not receive any fees from the contest. All fees collected will go toward “The Reading Warriors Choice Awards” and certificates for the winners.