The Bull By D. Camille

5 Stars
We are back in the ‘D’ ( Detroit Michigan) and D Camille Maat has done it again with her latest book, THE BULL-The Black Land Series Book 2. Once again we are reunited with the Negus, that band of extraordinary brothers who are sworn champions and protectors of the Black community of their beloved city of Detroit. THE BULL features Negus, Lance Johnson, successful entrepreneur who, without a formal college education, owns several businesses. He employs Detroit natives who are in need of a second chance at life. Along with Lance, is the love of his life, Naturopathic Doctor, Khayla Imani “Katydids” Lewis. The storyline highlights their sensuous romance. However, romance is not the only highlight of this book. D Camille’s stories are so much more.
In the story, Lance becomes a victim of a murder attempt by someone who sets him up at one of his businesses. Not only do the Negus immediately close ranks and go into action mode, but his Queen, Khayla also vows revenge on the perpetrator of that cowardly act. The search is on! Who will find the shooter first, the Negus or the Nigist? That’s just one aspect of this story, and there will be no spoilers here. There is also a fight to obtain and sustain healthy living and eating standards for the citizens of Detroit. Author D Camille makes some relevant and timely statements by including the plight of the Black farmers and the water crisis in Flint, Michigan in the story. Khayla comes up against opposition from within and without the Black community when she decides to open a food co-op that will insure a healthier diet choice for the people.
We meet some new minor characters in Book 2: Lance’s mother, who is battling some serious health issues and his brother, Miles who is in need of a lifestyle change. There is also Jamal and Mike, two brothers who are employed by Lance, and we meet Khayla’s parents. Of course, we hear from a few old friends like, The Sun god, Ray and some of the other West Coast gods and goddesses.
I loved this story, and I know you will, too. If by some strange chance you aren’t familiar with the works of this author, you need to get busy! You are missing out on a romance/suspense/mystery treat. I highly recommend The Bull!