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Primal By Keith Thomas Walker

4 Stars ****

Keith Thomas Walker

Primal Part 1 is a Novella and the first installment of this series by Keith Thomas Walker. The story focuses on Monica and Jovan, who dated in high school and reconnect at a reunion "mixer". The flow of the book is conversational and easy going. Some of the thoughts about high school reunions and why people do or don’t attend was right on. Monica and Jovan’s interactions were comfortable from the first time we see them together as if they picked up where they left off in a way, however Monica was a bit guarded and cautious as she is trying to figure out where Jovan is coming from. As they catch up, they both reminisce to themselves about their time together in high school. It's interesting where their minds take them.

As they start to explore a business opportunity, Jovan shares an experience with Monica to give her a better idea of his business. The scene is downright hilarious as Jovan is explaining how he got his start in his newest "venture".

I liked how the Author added some creative prose at the beginning of some of the Chapters and wish that would have been done with every Chapter, but that is a minor issue. This is part 1, so the reader knows there is more to come and will look forward to it, however there was no cliffhanger (which was good). I hope that the reader gets to learn more about Monica and Jovan in the next installment. All in all, this was a good read.

I would recommend this book for someone who is looking for a fun, quick read with an easy going flow.

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